Download AlloOne APP to
grow your business

Create your branded online store for free

Simple book-keeping for faster collections

100% free and secure

What We Do

We are empowering SMEs to optimize and grow their businesses.


Create your online store for free and manage your business on APP, from anywhere, anytime.

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Make your book-keeping easy and digital to get collections faster.

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AlloOne App

Online Store Software for FREE

Made for entrepreneurs, made for your business growth.

Create an easy and fast e-Commerce website, across any industry!

Supermarket to fashion, any category of the online store in seconds.

Beauty and makeup

Clothing and Fashion

Groceries and fmcg

Mobiles and computers

Pharmacy and care

Beauty and

Clothing and

Groceries and

Mobiles and

Pharmacy and

Simple book-keeping APP for faster collections

Keep track of receivables and payables. Make your collections easy and faster.

Digitally record the credit you give and access the ledger on APP from anywhere, anytime.

Save your precious time by simplifying your collection process.

Ledger Image

Ledger Management

A simple and easy ledger that helps you maintains the receivables and payables customer-wise. Start using AlloOne APP to make your collections 3x faster.

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Send Reminder

Avoid the issues of manual collections with timely reminders via SMS and WhatsApp.

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Generate Report

Generate and share PDF reports with customers with all transaction details to manage and collect receivables faster.

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Multi-language Support

Multiple local languages feature in APP to run your business in your language.